Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Custom Fitted Furniture

In an unsuccessful attempt attempt to fit furniture into unusual places, I thought up a successful solution.  When we think about things like cabinets, tables, and shelves, we picture the usual: squares, rectangles, the shapes and dimensions frequently used for furniture.  A rectangular table or bookshelf is usually quite practical, but what if you had to fill an unusually shaped space?  You can't fit a round table into a corner without wasting some space.

To solve this issue, I began thinking about creating furniture for those unusually shaped spaces. Think about a corner table for instance; a corner table resembles a semi-circle, the other half being a corner so that the table can fit into a corner making efficient use of space.  Similar products already exist, but what about the plethora of unusual spaces that need to be filled?

Architecture is becoming more and more complex, and the demand for more complex furniture is growing.  Think about how this would benefit people by giving them the ability to use space more efficiently.

How do you feel about this?

Feel free to leave a comment and give me some feedback on this idea!

Image result for round corner tables

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